Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Cervix Need To Open 10 Cm?

Hi tod @ s!
Do you remember that in November I received a surprise gift Vero ? Well I sent a Charm Pack with a precious Telitas, a magazine and patterns to use this charm pack, here's you can see:

I've been a lot of time deciding what I was to do and although he had clearly wanted something for the games, yet I knew if I wanted a rug, a blanket, a pillow ... or what, so one of these evenings I said ... go for it!, I decided on a rug, a tablecloth for a round tray I bought at Ikea, but clear, came Telitas cubed so how to?, well, this is what I invented, to see if I can explain it:

First I decided the combination of fabrics.

then I have joined one by one into strips.

are now the 6 cosiditas.

Now just short half central block.

and turn one of the resulting blocks.

With the other do the same, cut through the middle and turn aside.

Now do the same diagonal, turn on all sides and intersecting a block with another mother how badly I mean, of this I have no pictures because I got sick but the fact is that this is the result:

To be little round as he kept adding small triangles on the sides and trim until it was the size of the tray.

I placed a bead embroidery, quilting, and clever, but it seems very cumbersome in an afternoon was finished.

And the next day we were enjoying a good chocolate in my doily again.!

I explained fatal but if you want to do and not do what you have just let me know and I send an email with more detail.

paseis Kisses and good weekend!


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