Thursday, January 6, 2011

Waxing Brazilian Whiteheads

My grandmother Manuela

do not know if I have ever talked about my grandmother Manuela. It is the strongest person I have ever known vital. I remember when I was very small and then it was a lady of about 80 years and saw daily comings and goings with the chores, come loaded to the brim of the neighborhood market, always ordering a drawer, wardrobe, doing something in the kitchen ... never stopped, and of course, when at night he sat, he fell exhausted.
learned from my grandmother, my mother has most of the recipes that we ate at home and household tricks I applied today. Tirelessly with children, I remember never told me not to play it was, was always ready for me. Affectionate and loving as any other. Valiente to problems, trust me that has had, and many, though not relevant to count ... Insightful and cryptic when he wanted to achieve a goal, both sweet and innocent for more years and experiences that life has given.
easily be excited with things like a child the first time he sees something. He loves nature and finds beauty in a simple sprig of rosemary in its smell, its color ... She can find the good in every person when the person himself or even found, and transmuting the mind as a true alchemist. Respectful and tolerant of all opinions, the most modern of its time, not in vain was a single parent and had to raise her two daughters alone. Always willing to listen to my great existential problems of adolescence, my beloved confidante and advisor of the day to day. My husband and I were able to begin our relationship because of it, but that's another story which I will later generate the highest .... to remove the bread from his mouth to give to two children who had not given birth, sacrifice for them with a man who loved and break their knees to give them a life. Assertive as possible without having any study. Diplomatic as herself and proud and dignified when something hurts, mmm maybe too much sometimes, could not be perfect!

I present to my grandmother

is devilishly strong and has an iron, I always admired the ability to overcome all evil that passes over destroy it and continues to rise ready to go. Know the importance of keeping your body in motion and every day makes your workout to avoid atrophy, care for it and garnish. No person is more flirtatious.

Here you see the hat that I've done.

happy and flirtatious posing for the camera.

is a very spiritual person, a believer, with great faith. Puts all that power be concentrated in and creates the reality of his own prayer. I guess it's the power of faith that both speak, or the power of "The Secret", if you know know the book.
I think your key to happiness is to find the good in every thing, adapt to each situation while ignoring the bad things focusing on the good, empowering, and appreciating everything he has.

My grandmother is almost 98 years and while living hopefully a lot more is to be hoped that before too long we will. I will not say it is the only person I love most in the world but which has probably left traces in my life, both in childhood memories, learning, example, and a lot of things I admire and hope to get someday . These are some of his famous phrases that I always repeat myself when I attracted to me your energy:

"Iha, are plants of the earth and time is so are we "
" For the breeding birds of God "
" You can hear the storks that are making chocolate "
" I drop the resin (retina) of the eye "

I love you grandma.


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