Monday, January 31, 2011

Ovarian Infection Symptoms

Award 2011: ARCO IRIS tablecloth coffee

I come home a couple of hours ago after a marathon cosimientos from 10 am to 5 pm, the reason?, Our Bere is Malita and between all pupils and the teacher we wanted to make a gift special muyy a wonderful Tilda and I will show later.

meantime, I enter my email and I find a little gift from Marcela RAINBOW AWARD.

Y You say: "What is this what it is?" Because a very nice thing to tell which is 10 things I like and pass it on to 10 people to turn to do the same, let a string, but this is the pretty pretty. Here we go!

1.Me like going to bed sheets and feel spongy, with the smell of freshly laundered it seems that holds you and rocks you until you fall asleep. Pristine, fresh and warm at the same time, a wonderful feeling.

2. I like to sit sewing in the sun, surrounded by plants, my dog, the sound of birds and a gentle background melody, a tea Clech y. .. this is the glory.

3. I like everything old, retro, the vintage, old, including movies and series based on the past, I like the past because it teaches us who we are now.

4. I like the Angels believe in angels, I feel the angels around me.

5. I like to walk along the beach, melt with salt, sand and meditate on the horizon become

6. I like to go walking in the rain and hear the water falling to the asphalt, the sound of my sneakers and the smell of wet earth, everything is as reborn.

7.Me like to fantasize with the characters of the books I read, think they are real, and as such I get to catch them dear, so much that sometimes I cried at the end of a book because they would not know anything more about them.

8. I like cats so I can not help, you see one and I have to pet him, I feel that I convey stillness and balance. This one here is Oscar, the cat hero of the book I'm reading: "Oscar De guard"

9. I like flowers and smells fresh, clean, I like these ingredients, one for winter and one for the summer.

10. I like no, I love to go to the spa once a year and relax between water and steam jets, me and massage treatments, with scents as rich and music. ..

I love my husband, I love my family, I like my house and my dog, yes, I like my life.

And now it is up to you ...

Sonia Http://

As Marcela says you have no obligation to continue the chain, that is only to enjoy and have fun more than ever to overwhelm or annoy us, so you are free to do it or not.

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ KISSES FOR EVERYONE AND LOTS OF LIGHT S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Cervix Need To Open 10 Cm?

Hi tod @ s!
Do you remember that in November I received a surprise gift Vero ? Well I sent a Charm Pack with a precious Telitas, a magazine and patterns to use this charm pack, here's you can see:

I've been a lot of time deciding what I was to do and although he had clearly wanted something for the games, yet I knew if I wanted a rug, a blanket, a pillow ... or what, so one of these evenings I said ... go for it!, I decided on a rug, a tablecloth for a round tray I bought at Ikea, but clear, came Telitas cubed so how to?, well, this is what I invented, to see if I can explain it:

First I decided the combination of fabrics.

then I have joined one by one into strips.

are now the 6 cosiditas.

Now just short half central block.

and turn one of the resulting blocks.

With the other do the same, cut through the middle and turn aside.

Now do the same diagonal, turn on all sides and intersecting a block with another mother how badly I mean, of this I have no pictures because I got sick but the fact is that this is the result:

To be little round as he kept adding small triangles on the sides and trim until it was the size of the tray.

I placed a bead embroidery, quilting, and clever, but it seems very cumbersome in an afternoon was finished.

And the next day we were enjoying a good chocolate in my doily again.!

I explained fatal but if you want to do and not do what you have just let me know and I send an email with more detail.

paseis Kisses and good weekend!

Varicose Veins Inner Thigh

New Dean of the Faculty of mischief

On 25 January he was elected Professor D. Ramon Mayoral More new Dean of the School of Geological Sciences replaces D. Eumenio Ancochea in office. The Association moved again congratulations to Dean and also appreciates the service provided by D. Eumenio Ancochea over the years to our community.

Engineers Geologists hope that this new phase will serve to give continuity to the relations between the Association and the Faculty, thus strengthening the model work that we have been maintaining since 2006 through our University Monitoring GTP.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Candyland Centerpeices

A grannie every 15 days SAL

Yesterday I was walking through your blogs and found that of Najma a very interesting thing, is always Najma busy with a charity project or with some salt, SWAP, or weekly challenge, and now that I've started in the wonderful world of SAL by Carla as I am encouraged to continue with more stuff ...

Najma proposes a simple and utilíiiiiiiiiiiiiisimo CHALLENGE:
grannie Conduct 1 every 15 days by a scheme that it provides can be a showcase of all the grannies have or might have to finally decide each make either a quilt, a cubresofá, cushions ... or just an album of grannies, what do you think? I loved the idea because I only do one type or two grannie and because I am unable to give the scheme to bring it so I'm requetecontenta eye!

yesterday I printed out the schedule and I did my granicito while watching the troubled times, and ale, and the picture is here.

now makes me long to wait 15 days to take the next scheme!, This is like collectibles, but better! ! Well
it off well Najma this offers us a precious SAL embroidery as desired, which I do not put the photo for you to go to your blog and you see her there, come on, that there is again the link: Najma Crafts. And I will be teaching how will my progress, I am by putting his hand to many things and we'll see and if I jam with some.

Besitos a tod @ s and Have a nice day!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Private School Jewels Masterbation

Needle Case: Part 2. Sewing

days after its time, but ... 2 nd goal accomplished!

The first objective was to embroider the image on the cover and thinking about thinking how I modified it a bit, I explain:
As you know I finished sewing Teresa Sako and the case is I have left Telitas Japanese, so why not decorate a little on my needle case? I have made a frame around the Telitas and I customized a bit more Bordadita.
I love how I have been!


I wanted to use other precious Japanese Telitas I bought in your store Bere restorative art, where I learn patchwork, and that since the Japanese had begun to follow it with them!

This is the fabric were a little closer.

And within lunaritos.

Very 50's right?

Oh, how I love these little jobs. THANKS CARLA !!

you soon!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mini Long Travel Sand Cars

Teresa Sako ENDED !!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡ SAL

Back in the summer my mother gave me in my holy day of Teresa Kit Sako wonderful, a thousand small seamstress Japanese fabric squares to be the promised very complicated. I do not know if you will remember previous entries where I get to work but sooo little bit by bit, jajajaj, just in case and put in a position here are the posts:
Sewing Teresa Sako I
Teresa Sako II Sewing Sewing
Teresa Sako III

Bueeeeeno, because after almost 6 months ... finally! I finished!

I have
to tell you that really was quite complicated, laborious, and I did not have a sufficient level and skill needed my hands to give these microdots to above should not be noticed! Yo! That is my point hidden pending! Well, I did not want soup? Well, take three courses.

If this does not go out with the hidden point well learned, and will not do in my life, and there comes the point in hiding, and come!

Thanks to the world God placed in my way to a fantastic teacher who has more patience than the angels and on the basis of determination and unpick much work has been done. Although the truth, I think the sewing that has more than Pepi than me, because between understanding the charts, correct, well-placed sticks of papier-mâché, start and finish work ... We practically the sewing she has done.

I think I wanted to start the house through the roof, with the most difficult, as happened to me when I learned to do the flamenco dresses, jajaj spent a skirt based on a flamenco dress, I went in fine, but I got it, yes sir. AAAHHHH this reminds me of one important thing I want to tell quue:

Within 2 weeks the fair held in Seville flamenco costume SIMOF 2011, like every year I'll stop by there to get ideas and me a new outfit, and had thought up a tutorial to teach how to do a step by step, which I patetezca and to be a bold as happens to me You could try, I'll give you the steps slowly and in detail for you can do, I will begin teaching you as I ought to take steps to make your own pattern flamenco dress. So id animais thinking and if you look Telitas id you like, but being of poplin, as you advance you're going to need about 10 meters, poplin is the most typical for the suit because it is a strong fabric not too expensive, remember that you are 10 meters and if you choose any of patchwork arruinareis you. Also you will need 1 meter but the fine white poplin, for backing the suit.

These are the first two dresses I did of my mom and me.

In 2 weeks I'm going to count.