Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can Drinking A Lot Of Alcohol Give You Impetigo

My order is here Christmas

Hi tod @ s!
As you may remember a few weeks ago I asked for help ordering online would be the birthday gift from my hubby, (uy longer sentence), this is the entry for that day if you walk Missed http:// entreovillosyretales.blogspot.com/2010/11/gran-pedido-on-line-se-admiten.html .
Well, Sako Teresa told me that I passed the shop of a friend of hers, Bethlehem http://www.simplypatchworktienda.blogspot.com/ I took a little trip and I loved everything, but in the end I decided on a Japanese cremalleritas and kit to Isabelle L'atelier , (which incidentally is great because it is the same price as in-house L ' atelier), although the kit maybe he could find around here but the zippers .... no joke, so I was not idle I ordered at least 15 and of all measures, jajaj but still do not know what I'm going to use, but I, who have inherited my father's condition exageradita "I prefer that over and not missing " I'm doing good patchwork supplies for a rainy day when they come, these things are for life and who knows when I will have another opportunity like this, do not you think? do you think?

Bethlehem with the order has sent me this frame that you see in the picture, how beautiful it is and how much detail has had.
Here I put the pictures of the racks for the veais more closely, I've taken directly from his blog.

And kit "Chat des pres" already completed, is also a photo of your blog.

Well this and a bizcoho .....

Ah!, I'm finished felt a little something I learned the other day on a course where incidentally I met Desi the blog "my sewing room" , is very funny because we were TOO seated next morning and of course we did not know, until a review of your cat Fluff I realized it was her! and we finally meet in person. Life will spend these jokes from time to time! Once she
what I am doing upload photos and I show the shop where I did the course.
A hug for everyone s and happy week!


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