Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sample Party Invocation Prayer

Christmas Tree Felt.

I finally felt finished my tree!
As I told you the other day, on November 27 I felt a monograph on L 'Pincushion , then I see in the picture next to Desi, I'm the one agachaita stitching in the left corner, (I have to change position or will finish with a hump), the case is that the course was to make a Christmas tree, this was the image of the ad:

And this is the tree of Sandra, the profession, in which we look to develop our own, but the poor here was not yet finished:

This is mine!!

As always, I've been a bit naughty and I've tuned my way. The first as you will see is that it is only a band with a message of Christmas and not two as in previous ones.
letters I have embroidered with colored threads at point of stem.

The bear well I stick with a small stitch sewn, not to get out of the tree and disappears.

Instead of attaching beads to the eyes what I did is that I have embroidered.

And the gifts they really have put tapes, also a house of Hansel and Gretel seemed very nice.

Rods porculosos have been because I had to spank each of the white bands, although I once glued them stitched both sides, I think it would have been better if any intrusive on the inside, right? Well, next I know.

And also I did it my way because they only have one face, but have been fine with the little buttons and embellishments star.

not tell it but I have also placed a colored bells I bought at the store restorative art Bere you know where I learn patchwork.

Links with bells and tinsel for ginger cookies. And a button mistletoe.

flirty star-stitch hearts festoon and buttons.

A lot of glitter and lights and a tree to hang superlazo knob or wherever we want! I found it in the Chinese and it's great because the tinsel wire brings pra hold.

The finishing touch is the tie wrap that I found very nice to my door. And Ale! Done!

I am very happy because it felt the first little thing I do and has been cool cool. I tell you that this Saturday will be another Case 18 felt, also for Christmas.
You know if you fancy and / or are near in

amorose BESOS!!


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