Sunday, December 19, 2010

Canon Rebel Firmware Hack

POTPOURRI of odd jobs.

Hi girls, as they are? I really hope that very well, cold us! so that sewing shut up!
The first thing I show is this doily that also be used to support a hot pan on it, made a star Mexican ,
but the reverse has a few buttons, and if I close ...
Tachaaaan ! I have a panerita !
to that of the most original?
And I was doing more aprons, that to these birds and has an owner, is another design of my favorite designers, who for the previous comments I'm not the only, Zulu and Carol http://zulutambientieneunblog.blogspot. com / board her to pass to him because it is a wonder, but my version expres I like.

This is homegrown, snowmen, which I love!

And these mittens, he made my mom, who heartily thanked them all comments! the lee of the happiest, and in any memento opens his blog, and I have almost!
a penguin

very hairy sheep
another butterfly
a not so beloved jacket, are the family of African bees, are re poor poor!
elves, inevitable in the forest
a St. Anthony vaquita
not very scary spider
inevitable! Snowman
the legendary Nahuelito
a shiny fish that has haunted
any idea they wish to serve a gift, anything I can help you!
I leave you a big kiss and enjoy Sunday!


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