Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Where Did Bam Get Rib Tattoo

Thanks to all S & HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!! In bed with gripazo

chunga After a season with a malicious tonsillitis that kept me offline for over a week, finally .... , I went back, but I do it just to thank you for your kind words, your love and your soul, so:

Desciros that I'm better, at first I thought it was a simple flu, and quickly started to take Frenadol, but not pain throat every time was a plus. And it was Christmas Eve we spend with the family of Manuel and finished completely destroyed the throat, so Christmas Day is not here ate or bream or sea bream, or anything, pajama day and bad breath. Mu sad, sad mu I pasao week I had put so much hope that my adornitos Christmas ...

Anyway, I had finished treatment frenadol and my throat was burning like the first day and I almost sag tonsils, so smart my I thought: Well, you aser that this was not the flu.
Conclusion: I went to the emergency room and with a few tenths ... antibiotic p'al body, which was frenadol tonsillitis and fever was taking me without noticing.

Now I'm picking up every day and I wanted to do this entry to thank you used a little time to write, and not just the excess time these days!

A tod @ s @ s vosotr , well, l @ s others also, of course, I wish you a very happy new year with my best wishes for 2011, that you meet all illusions! us to create new and beautiful projects that we can continue to learn from each other and that this cute tool, Internet allows us to grow, make new friends, and be better people every day!
Furthermore, as each year my great wish is good health and happiness for all.

to create something so beautiful, useful and rewarding. Anda

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Double Happiness Rubber

Panel Ubuntu

some time ago, I've used ubuntu, and since I really liked it because there feel free programs virus free, but they like all begins when you have details of some things such as the panel of ubuntu.

ubuntu panel is nothing more than the bar where is the clock, date, time, and other things .. On one occasion it occurred to me and then hide the panel no longer appeared and he could not see the applications that were staying there, after much searching I realized I could do from the terminal and leave the panel and after installing ubuntu.

The steps I took were these:

shutdown rm-rf ~ / .gconf / apps / panel pkill gnome-panel

after entering each command, restart our ubuntu , and we will have restored panel

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


FOM3317/2010 Amendments to the Law of Professional

The amendment of Law 19/1997 in article 6.2 through 8 / 2009 of liberalization measures and support for the Madrid company radically changed the essential requirement that the Community of Madrid asked for the formation Professional Association in our community: the obligation to be regulated profession and recognition of professional duties by state law.

This requirement is that since 2007 he has requested the Association by the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs by the first and the Presidential later and now appears to be it is not inconvenient. We welcome this change, in our view necessary and persistently asked by our Association (and other groups) and opens a door that lets us freely to assess the suitability of creating the Professional Association of Engineering Geologists Community of Madrid.

In line with this good news our Professional GTP Competition will begin studying the feasibility of this opportunity and to work with the Section of Professional Associations of the Community of Madrid to assess the extent that our organization would the creation of the College. We will keep you informed promptly.

We do not want to miss the opportunity to follow up rivals encouraging them to you as the possibility of creating a school social requires a much larger mass than they currently have.

Isabella Soprano From Hbo's Cathouse

Congratulations! Another

We want to wish both my mother and me, many but A big congratulations!!
May God bless you with health union very prosperous and a year!! Thanks for the
company that makes us so happy!
Happy Holidays!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Does Afibrile Mean

A Christmas Carol with

Excellent story for the children of the house, I think there is nothing else to explain the title says it all ..

Baby Erection Pictues

I think that this Christmas will not be as I expected, 3 days left for Christmas, and I'm in bed with gripazo, even I have to do some last minute shopping for the delicious feast that was to fix the house praparado and definitely for the big moment.

I am very discouraged because if not gotten suddenly going around you know where ...
... In short, I'm very annoyed, I ache all over and it hurts my throat. Today I do not think moving the bed and dishes overflowing sink, to see if a little luck and vein can frenadol be time to reinstate me.

A hug for everyone s .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Flavours In That You Get On The Cake

Disney Christmas Videos - The Easter Egg Workshop Repairing

Well my friends, and about Christmas and it always takes a bit of humor and more in this season, we have happiness.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How Much Power Does A Bathroom Fan

Videotutorial jet printers

This simple video tutorial that I share with you can help us learn or get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to fix our inkjet printer.

are mentioned steps are taken to a canon example, two printers and an HP printer.

Canon Rebel Firmware Hack

POTPOURRI of odd jobs.

Hi girls, as they are? I really hope that very well, cold us! so that sewing shut up!
The first thing I show is this doily that also be used to support a hot pan on it, made a star Mexican ,
but the reverse has a few buttons, and if I close ...
Tachaaaan ! I have a panerita !
to that of the most original?
And I was doing more aprons, that to these birds and has an owner, is another design of my favorite designers, who for the previous comments I'm not the only, Zulu and Carol http://zulutambientieneunblog.blogspot. com / board her to pass to him because it is a wonder, but my version expres I like.

This is homegrown, snowmen, which I love!

And these mittens, he made my mom, who heartily thanked them all comments! the lee of the happiest, and in any memento opens his blog, and I have almost!
a penguin

very hairy sheep
another butterfly
a not so beloved jacket, are the family of African bees, are re poor poor!
elves, inevitable in the forest
a St. Anthony vaquita
not very scary spider
inevitable! Snowman
the legendary Nahuelito
a shiny fish that has haunted
any idea they wish to serve a gift, anything I can help you!
I leave you a big kiss and enjoy Sunday!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Can I Get My Baby To Clear His Throat

Free Christmas Ringtones to Cell

Here come the holidays, and here are some great ring tones, all in mp3 format to catch this season so important to most of us, here is a screenshot of the songs it contains.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Proposal For A New Tv Programme

The number reserved for this year's Christmas Special Drawing December 22 is the 58,181. We remember all those members who have requested the mailing of your / s tenth / s who will receive it in the next days at the address stated in the authorization document. The remaining tickets will be guarded by the Association to hold the next General Assembly scheduled for the first quarter.

The Board has seen fit to book a ticket for the Association hope that the possible success in the lottery the next day 22 will result also in the corporate for our organization.

luck to everyone!

Army Brown Under Armour

Calculate RFC and CURP

This is a simple application that can easily calculate any of those things as much as the CURP and RFC, which are widely used in accounting firms, but is a very good application for have on our computer installed in case you require at any time