Saturday, October 9, 2010

Color Cancer Ribbon For Throat Cancer

Salt shaker Figures deLilycreative finished! Table runner

yeahhhh! finally finished this salt so pretty! Lily organized as earlier this year. Before the sun burn all my photos so hung on the rope to make some pictures.

a bit complicated to me the subject of the action because the rectangle of angel had to go vertical rather than horizontal, but I realized when I had it to embroidery so I had to change everything!

The machine quilting, and I need to do to hand a little stitch in outline of each figure, the bird for example already have

The truth is I love this wallpaper! the sentence that says what is beautiful and I liked to do was that I met to Lily, q which takes you much love! is someone who motivates me to continue on when things are not as easy is a great example for me! and to thank you very much for organizing Lily and thanks to all for your visits!
Very good weekend!!


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