Friday, February 4, 2011

Creamy Discharge At 5 Dpo


As I told you the other day began yesterday SIMOF 2011, the Flanders Fashion Fair in Seville and of course, because I've been there to give me a turn and get ideas .
say that this year the other euro entry has risen, and costs 7, euro increases each year so in the next 10 years we will have to enter into debt, ah! And if you want to see you have a parade to pay part, well, that as usual, 10 euros. Other years to come gives you a very useful revistilla all directions of the designers and models a lot of suits, not anymore, now if you have to pay magazine, another 5 euros. We have not entered and is now pelao pocket.

At 11 o'clock, as open, let's go in and the first thing I notice is more space than other times, I get the feeling that there are fewer booths this year than in previous years. Either way, equipped with my notebook and my camera in tow, I set out to never miss an inch wheel to rest there. I work up the courage and cunning, y escondida entre gentes y columnas consigo hacer las fotos a los trajes que más han llamado mi atención, los que más me han gustado según lo que voy buscando claro, un traje clarito con toques de color, y a poder ser, con algún adorno diferente a lo que he hecho hasta ahora. En mi libreta apunto los detallles de telas, colores, vivos y festones que se pasean delante de mi retina, éstos son mis favoritos:


Éste es genial porque a un lino sencillo le han metido en las costuras un pasacinta con cinta de terciopelo, y los primeros volantes just in leaf, aplicadle zoom and you will see the details!

This retro sofa as "Wonder Years" Look how simple and how beautiful it is!

This wonderful night.

But ultimately this is the suit that has given me the main idea for me mine, a quilted ecru and burgundy poplin.

I also liked crochet straps and neck trim, although there will be decorations that will change. Zooming is great!

Although a little disappointed because there were fewer costumes, at 12:30 and finish so we took the opportunity to go to the fabric store to see if there was anything like the better idea I could not have because it had all ready for my dependent, not a soul in the store, everyone in SIMOF jejej. Well
found in raw (5'76 meter)

the burgundy poplin, it is easy (3'56)

and this fabric of large burgundy spots also (7'20)

Conclusion: A hit. Do you like the combination?

Now it do pattern and find the edges trimmed.

Next week I will start with the patterns, you know, first you need white paper pattern better than brown, a pencil, ruler and which podais tengais or get a sword and a tear, if you have not passed no anything, but it is more convenient to make the waistline and hips.

Well, here I leave again SIMOF link that you may see some trajecillos if you would like: http://www.simof. com /

A kiss to tod @ s!


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