Monday, February 7, 2011

Lateral Release Recovery Period


Chicaaaaaaas, how happy I am, I have to tell you that this morning I started my first Tilda.
had been months since I bought this book:

I loved the little things it brings to the house, the decorations, the colors ... although I am not convinced that a lot of dolls, I could not see the true value, and have them gathering dust exposed ... no you did not, however slowly, from veroslas to you and how beautiful they are ... I ended up going through the hoop, jejej
I go into the wonderful world of Tilda!, finally the curse has fallen on me and I could not resist, these books so wonderful, these pastel
them feel like a BocaĆ­to
, mmmmmmmmmmmm ...
already told you that we had made a our Bere, more particularly the latter, the strapless dress, with its web of cameos and all do not miss it! He bought this piece of cloth had long because I loved but did not know what was going to SUSAR, and where to look you for what is served!:

Well quite ready this morning and I have taken over the kit "Autumn Angel" Bere had the store, That coat, with his boots, and handkerchief ain ain ain ...

I ever tasted Upon opening the box, very gently, cutting as well not nothing, and discovering thingy thingy to what was inside. My compis
laughed when they saw me taking pictures, "is that this is a unique moment that does not get repeat!" the first time you open the box and discover their secrets and also my first Tilda ! had to immortalize this man, because with the next, which I hope will be many, will never be longer as this jajajaj first, go dumb I'm done.

I loved this beginning, I have my little chief and some cut pieces, so in the coming days I'll show my progress, which will be slow for sure, because you know that I have a thousand things at once.

Oh, how I love a kit! Is that it lacks detail, comes around! buttons, hair, wire, up a stick to shape to give good parts!
Look how pretty it is my Tilda is how it should be when to see if it's true!




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