Sunday, February 27, 2011

Veet Wax Strips How To Use Best Result

General Assembly (Thursday, 10 March)

The Thursday 10 March, the Association invites all General Assembly members to Ordinary at 19:30 pm in the School of Mines in Madrid. The Assembly will take place in classroom A-27. The agenda is as follows:

  1. Reading and approval of previous minutes.
  2. Presentation and approval of accounts, 2010.
  3. Presentation of the Annual Activity Report.
  4. Presentation of membership recruitment campaign.
  5. Approval of fee waiver for student members.
  6. Ratification of including Honorary Membership in the AIGCM.
  7. Information on the status of the Confederation of Engineering Geologists (Coig).
  8. Information Monitoring GTP state university.
  9. other business.
hope to have as many partners as possible and this time we also invite those engineers and geologists not associated with students also participate of the General Assembly.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Halle Berry Hair Style In Catwoman

10.04 How to install Kubuntu in VirtualBox? Black Jug

good friend is a small tutorial, given by colleagues from KDE Blog, It explains step by step how to install Kubuntu on your version 10.04 in our virtual machine on Virtual Box here

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Does Brent Everett Bottom

a distribution with 100% Mexican

Friends this time we talk about a 100% Mexican distribution, which today is used for various activities, Black Vase is a project created Muser trying to develop a distribution for servers of different architectures .

is said to have started as a LIVE CD project only about 10 Mb, after the decision was to make it more complete to be able to integrate an educational institution. Black Jug
to date has been widely accepted in the Mexican people, and has just released its latest version contains some improvements in version 2.0.3: Kernel 02/06/1937 MadWifi OpenOffice3 X11R7 Firefox 3.6 Ability to upgrade from 2.0 JarroNegro .0, among other things.
The Unsinkable Mexican ingenuity, and here's a taste of what we as Mexicans can make you happy on 24 February "Flag Day"

Clf2− Valence Electrons

In recent years, we see a depletion of ip address of the IPv4 version, it is said in the Twitter account where every day is going to monitor what is happening.

is said that the last block of addresses were given to the countries of North America, Latin America and some Caribbean islands, Europe, Middle East and central Asia, Africa and East Asia and Pacific region.

But we are prepared, this change is coming, some operating systems and phones already are, but we'll be ready? .. Need to learn about Domains and DNS .. is a question that must be solved one day not so long ago.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gay Love Spots In Mumbai

Professional Services Act

I attached a link from which you can get information on the reforms the Professional Services Act will bring to the English Engineering once approved. It seems that the havoc caused is thrown by the Government and the impact will be very important. It is expected that by the end of this February, the Act is drafted. So far, we have to settle for unofficial information about this case.

Association report about his position on this new law at the next General Assembly is celbrará next March.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mucus Image If Fertile

Valentine Needle Case

the challenge
More grannies Najma biweekly, they are beautiful!

And what's Eve Valentine's Day? Love is in the air ...
Here in Seville rains like never before and the evening is to stay home with the stove and a laborcita, but I forget to celebrate Valentine's Day with my sweetie, so I made this cake to enjoy together, I put a link to my blog with a kitchen, if you want to do it:

Besotes cariñosooootes!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wolne Terminy Blackjack

SAL OVER! Welcome to the world

I finally finished my first SAL, yes, I know it was tiny, but I've tuned a bit and it took me longer than I thought.
For those who do not know of what I speak (as my Aunt Ani, my sister Marie and my friends do not know me that bloggers who read me: Chris, Laura, Chevra, Leti ...) I explain:
A SAL is a work that is done in conjunction with other bloggers, making the same topic and time, although course, every one always gives a personal touch. It proposes a person, the bloggers are targeted and they are sent via mail or relevant scheme preparation instructions (This is what the copyright of the authors), as if it is an embroidery, a quilt, whatever. The word salt comes from the English: S ewing AL ong , which means something like sewing along, but can be translated as sewing together and that you have and why of the word .

ago about Carla semanillas My little Atelier us SAL proposed a very funny and very facilitated to me, as none had done before because it seemed the perfect opportunity to start, so I signed up and did each of your weekly goals, and in its proper time! Here you have entries for each objective: First objective

was so happy, but now in the last step I delayed a bit and that is, to top it off , I have added a little more complicated.
Carla suggested we put a couple of simple little pockets, and I did not I think another thing them with the thousands of pieces of Japanese fabrics I had left over from sewing Teresa Sako, edges a little cross at each joint, add interfacing to reinforce its internal fabric and a solapita cubrilos, with button and all, do not believe that I am content! jajaj

was so inside.

In the center of Needle Case will sewing a piece of felt that will serve to place the needles, Carla told us that we made a point of scallop and then around the edge cosiéramos you plug a pair telita reverse, but I did not convince me much the thing so I placed this country live Vichy and back so I made a point so much and so hidden that I practiced my Japanese sewing.

do not know if it will be appreciated but please look at my hidden, rather, try to find it, because now it is hidden truth. This is already dominated!

Then I thought: Hmmm what if I keep my scissors here too embroidery? Pocket because I did not want another hide the form so beautiful that they are scissors Angel and I bought a Gem Shop in Penelope thread, you have precious things, very flirty and hard to find other sites. My scissors are so pretty that I needed something that no hide and subject me .... voila.
Same way I did a few strips of loops.

On the other side of Needle Case's another little pocket, but this time, and not repeating myself, I used other Telitas different and cross the green board, plus I put brackets and a wonderful button that I bought Bere.

unions, of course, the point had to do would be scalloped or the back of the Needle Case

And under other strips to hold more stuff, for example: the subway, never underestimate this tool because in the most unexpected moment you need it and not give him.

Finally, this has been everything

I have to thank Carlos for sharing with us all so beautiful this SAL for their explanations and for your time. I'm sure all my friends have enjoyed it as much as me.

And now for the next: SAL Full of sewing, is organized by Anna Orduña and is precious, we started the day 14 !!!!!

¡¡¡¡¡ Many kisses to all y. .. HAPPY VALENTINE!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lateral Release Recovery Period


Chicaaaaaaas, how happy I am, I have to tell you that this morning I started my first Tilda.
had been months since I bought this book:

I loved the little things it brings to the house, the decorations, the colors ... although I am not convinced that a lot of dolls, I could not see the true value, and have them gathering dust exposed ... no you did not, however slowly, from veroslas to you and how beautiful they are ... I ended up going through the hoop, jejej
I go into the wonderful world of Tilda!, finally the curse has fallen on me and I could not resist, these books so wonderful, these pastel
them feel like a Bocaíto
, mmmmmmmmmmmm ...
already told you that we had made a our Bere, more particularly the latter, the strapless dress, with its web of cameos and all do not miss it! He bought this piece of cloth had long because I loved but did not know what was going to SUSAR, and where to look you for what is served!:

Well quite ready this morning and I have taken over the kit "Autumn Angel" Bere had the store, That coat, with his boots, and handkerchief ain ain ain ...

I ever tasted Upon opening the box, very gently, cutting as well not nothing, and discovering thingy thingy to what was inside. My compis
laughed when they saw me taking pictures, "is that this is a unique moment that does not get repeat!" the first time you open the box and discover their secrets and also my first Tilda ! had to immortalize this man, because with the next, which I hope will be many, will never be longer as this jajajaj first, go dumb I'm done.

I loved this beginning, I have my little chief and some cut pieces, so in the coming days I'll show my progress, which will be slow for sure, because you know that I have a thousand things at once.

Oh, how I love a kit! Is that it lacks detail, comes around! buttons, hair, wire, up a stick to shape to give good parts!
Look how pretty it is my Tilda is how it should be when to see if it's true!



Friday, February 4, 2011

Creamy Discharge At 5 Dpo


As I told you the other day began yesterday SIMOF 2011, the Flanders Fashion Fair in Seville and of course, because I've been there to give me a turn and get ideas .
say that this year the other euro entry has risen, and costs 7, euro increases each year so in the next 10 years we will have to enter into debt, ah! And if you want to see you have a parade to pay part, well, that as usual, 10 euros. Other years to come gives you a very useful revistilla all directions of the designers and models a lot of suits, not anymore, now if you have to pay magazine, another 5 euros. We have not entered and is now pelao pocket.

At 11 o'clock, as open, let's go in and the first thing I notice is more space than other times, I get the feeling that there are fewer booths this year than in previous years. Either way, equipped with my notebook and my camera in tow, I set out to never miss an inch wheel to rest there. I work up the courage and cunning, y escondida entre gentes y columnas consigo hacer las fotos a los trajes que más han llamado mi atención, los que más me han gustado según lo que voy buscando claro, un traje clarito con toques de color, y a poder ser, con algún adorno diferente a lo que he hecho hasta ahora. En mi libreta apunto los detallles de telas, colores, vivos y festones que se pasean delante de mi retina, éstos son mis favoritos:


Éste es genial porque a un lino sencillo le han metido en las costuras un pasacinta con cinta de terciopelo, y los primeros volantes just in leaf, aplicadle zoom and you will see the details!

This retro sofa as "Wonder Years" Look how simple and how beautiful it is!

This wonderful night.

But ultimately this is the suit that has given me the main idea for me mine, a quilted ecru and burgundy poplin.

I also liked crochet straps and neck trim, although there will be decorations that will change. Zooming is great!

Although a little disappointed because there were fewer costumes, at 12:30 and finish so we took the opportunity to go to the fabric store to see if there was anything like the better idea I could not have because it had all ready for my dependent, not a soul in the store, everyone in SIMOF jejej. Well
found in raw (5'76 meter)

the burgundy poplin, it is easy (3'56)

and this fabric of large burgundy spots also (7'20)

Conclusion: A hit. Do you like the combination?

Now it do pattern and find the edges trimmed.

Next week I will start with the patterns, you know, first you need white paper pattern better than brown, a pencil, ruler and which podais tengais or get a sword and a tear, if you have not passed no anything, but it is more convenient to make the waistline and hips.

Well, here I leave again SIMOF link that you may see some trajecillos if you would like: http://www.simof. com /

A kiss to tod @ s!