Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Little Tikes Philippines Distributor

impact with official website Grades ANECA verified Geological Engineering Grade Complutense

favorably verified ANECA titles Degree in Geological Engineering and Technical Complutense, to be implemented in the course 2011-2012 and 2010-2011 respectively. As I announced the Association's proposed Grade School of Mines in Madrid has called powers of Engineer of Mines, specializing in Polls and Surveys while the School of Geological Sciences presents a graduate degree without authority.
Pending the approval of the Community of Madrid and / or amendments that imposed on the titles verified, it can be said that the Geological Engineering and two have taken a step forward very important in Madrid, which provides a breath of fresh air to the profession.
Nationally only in Salamanca has been approved Degree in Engineering Geology (without authority), that Catalonia (also a grade raised to powers in ITM) the next to be verified. Alicante (with attributions in ITM) will try to verify for the 2011-2012 academic year, while in Asturias, in principle without Degree in IG, still remains unknown whether it will implement the Master in IG.


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