Friday, April 30, 2010

Installing Winch Dodge Ram

The new degree in Geological Engineering

Technical Schools of Engineering with teaching in Engineering Geology ANECA pose to plan graduate studies in Engineering Geology for the financial year to enable the regulated profession of Engineer of Mines, specializing Drilling and mining prospection in the style of the solution taken by Chemical Engineers.
This solution is not well regarded by the Faculty of Science who have opted for a model without authority level. Both models agreements provide for Interuniversity Commission September 8, 2008 and although Coig and various regional associations consider that both are remedies whenever there is a Master according to the current lineup of Engineering Geologist, they do agree that two different models generate a problem of "legal reserve" facing both the design of the Master of IG as to the future regulation for these new graduates.
The Confederation hopes that ANECA know to solve this issue and allow the take off once and for all of new degree and Master in the field of our engineering.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bangalore Directory Search Airtel Landline

Dam Visit Technical Visit

The Association completed on 8 April its annual visit to a public work. In this case it was Mularroya Dam, a dam of loose material with more than 90 m in height that also includes the construction of a water tunnel and a variant of road. All these actauciones be completed within 90 months.

The visit was primarily for professional engineers, geologists and students of the subject Constructive Techniques Complutense University. Also attended by people from diverse backgrounds such as mining engineers and forest téncicos interested in geotechnical and water sector.

The Association wishes to acknowledge the willingness shown at all times by those responsible for the works. A D. Zaera Osavaldo Borobia, Director of Works (Ebro River Basin), D. Rodrigo Blas Temiño, Project Manager (joint venture formed by Acciona Mularroya-Sacyr) for your attention and explanations provided at all times and D. Álvaro Manuel Benito (TYPSA Technical Assistance).

is also grateful for the attention shown by D. Puell Fernando Marin, professor of the subject, which always worked on the clarification of doubts that it was very practical and didactic throughout the visit.