Friday, July 9, 2010

Positioning And Shortness Of Breath

ACAF social activities provides facilities for the referees of the first and second division

Our facilities be made on Saturday July 3 medical checks by all the officials of the Commission Arbitration.

Under an agreement made by APROS, Professional Arbitrators, who are part of the Panel of the Arbitration Commission and ASEMBIS, the collegiate nationals in their electrocaridograma most evaluations of view and CBC, to assure the Committee that his health is in line to start physical work.

The referees took the agreement to have the tests at lower cost and pocket.

tests were conducted on Saturday 03 July at ACAF facilities, about 45 referees attended to meet the medical evaluations performed by the staff of ASEMBIS.

Party ASEMBIS staff who were responsible for performing various medical examinations ARBITROSDECOSTARICA.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum Spray

not be taught in 2010-2011

The Complutense University's official website announced that the Geological Engineering Degree not be offered during the 2010-2011 academic year, to be in ANECA verification process.

Unfortunately, engineering geologists are always those who have to pay the existing situation with our race in the Community of Madrid. We call on the Centers and the Rectors Complutense and Polytechnic which is not acceptable that this race and these students are always in second place in the strategic plans of universities.

Please ask the Association from liability studies and Master Degree in Engineering Geology and hope that as it will delay its launch at least serve to bring a title to match the institutions that teach and targeted as homogeneous as possible so as not to generate a competence gap among graduates.